Tyll Zybura

Sinngetriebener Mensch

Tag: Teaching%20writing

Magic questions to ask students about their writing

In my writing supervision I focus on process instead of results and on reflection instead of adherence to rules to help students experience more agency over their writing when they become aware of their own writing strategies.

27.11.2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication

Example: Response and revision

This is an example for a response to an ambitious student project which had several interrelated issues that ultimately led to a fail grade for the draft. But the revision for the paper was extremely successful, and I wrote another shorter response for the reworked version, which is appended below. (I edited both texts for brevity.)

07.08.2019 | Tags: Teaching writing

Congruent self- and supervisor assessment

Students often express that my responses to their writing are in consonance with their own self-assessment, which motivates them to revise their papers. The specific form of my responses facilitates this congruity, and here’s why.

07.08.2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication

Relieving stress in student writing

I found that I can relieve the writing anxiety many of my students have by de-emphasising normative writing advice and facilitating an appreciative, non-evaluative awareness of their individual writing strategies.

27.05.2018 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing

Appreciative responses to student writing

When I respond to student writing, I want to take it seriously as scholarly work with a communicative intent. This 6-step-method of writing responses makes my feedback as effective as possible both in terms of its usefulness for students and in terms of the time it takes me to do.

03.11.2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Feedback

Revision-oriented supervision of student writing

Feedback that is given on late-stage draft versions of student writing instead of on finalized papers is more meaningful to students because they can immediately use it for a revision of their work. Especially if the feedback is an appreciative response.

27.10.2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing

For strategies-based teaching

Against the rhetoric of competency-based teaching, I set a rhetoric of teaching strategies which focuses on the resources that students already have rather than on their presumed deficiencies.

07.05.2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication

Stepping stone writing tasks

Writing academic papers is an incredibly involved procedure which brings together many different skills. Often students achieve better results and more confidence about their work when the writing is scaffolded through a series of interconnected steps.

06.05.2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing

The benefits of writing portfolios

My students and I have made positive experiences with writing portfolios. Here’s why.

01.05.2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing